Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New House

We moved to our new house last summer. We really love the amount of room we have around our house. Where we lived before the yards were fairly small. You could occasionally find a nice sized yard but they were rare.

Where we now live, every house seems to have a HUGE yard. You can have a small house, a big house, an old house or a new house and all the yards are amazing. At least we think so. We are having a hard time getting used to not having a fence though. The upside is that our small kids have a lot of friends to play with. Every ones yard is fair game and they follow each other around playing all day. I haven't been able to get the pictures to upload. I'm still working on that. Look for those soon!


Darci said...

Yey!!!! You posted a post. Can't wait to see the pictures of the house and the kids.

Kimberly said...

I was happily surprised to see a post on your new blog! I love the look and look forward to hearing more about your life and times in Minnesota!

Unknown said...

So, So fun to listen to and watch, thanks Tisha. We love and miss your familys company. I also love the great look of the blog. mom