Thursday, January 31, 2008

Some Favorite Pictures

Whitney loves to take pictures with her friends on the imac with photo booth.  The rest of the kids have learned to do this too.  They sit in front of the computer and take picture after picture.  Ethan and Riley get such a kick out of it, but they like to distort their pictures.  Here are a few from photo booth.


Darci said...

So cool, I love it. I need to learn how to do this. I am addicted to taking pics.

Marilee said...

Hey Guys, Everyone looks great! So good to hear from you. Steve, Adam and I are the Youth Conference Coordinators AGAIN this year! Any ideas? I've run dry! :-) Check out our blog at I haven't updated for a while but, it's there for ya anyway! You guys are missed here in CO!

Kimberly said...

Devon and I were just looking at these pictures together and remembering how little all of your kids were when you moved. Where did all of these cute teenagers, in your house, come from? It is so fun to see all of these cute pictures--isn't blogging great! By the way, how cold is it there? We saw on the news a frozen waterfall...yikes...that is really cold!