Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This is Ethan's tent. Perhaps it is unclear from the picture, but trust me when I say..."Ethan likes his tent." In fact, he has slept in it every night (aside from vacation) since he got it for Christmas. That is 32 days...er...nights, and as he just told his Nanna, "I'm going to stay in it the rest of my life"! We are thinking perhaps his wife may have some issue with that! What is even more surprising is that he gave up choice digs uptown in the penthouse bunk. I wonder if Santa knows just how far out of the park he hit it with this present! Anyway, good night for now...don't forget to zip up the rain fly.


Darci said...

So awesome that he does that!!! Devon and I used to build forts and sleep in those and it was so much fun. Keep it up Ethan.

Kimberly said...

Sounds like he's ready for cub scouts. I can't believe he has been sleeping in it since Christmas. How is Santa going to top this present next year?